Joseph and Katherine Strauss

This is the top of our Strauss Family tree, for now. It begins with Joseph and Katherine Strauss. Move down the tree with the children buttons. Return to the parents by clicking the left arrow in the upper left of your screen,

Joseph Strauss was born on February 24, 1826 in Poslugowo, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. He died on August 20, 1901 in Norwood, St. Lawrence County, New York. It's possible that he is buried in St Boniface Cemetery (H327).

Katherine Knach was born in Nov 1832 in Poslugowo, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland. Katherine's parents are unknown to us, for now. She died on October 27, 1915 in Floral Park, New York.

They left Hamburg on April 24, 1887 and arrived at Castle Garden, New York on May 6, 1887.

For details on their journey from Poland to the United States, read the Introduction page.