Kinga's citizenship

At least two Strauss women had their U.S. citizenship revoked for marrying men who were not citizens. They were Kinga Strauss and Helena Strauss.

Kinga Strauss married Leon Lubowiecki on November 20, 1921. She lost her U.S. citizenship because Leon was not a citizen then, though he had resided in the U.S. since 1912.

Kinga remained a non-citizen for 39 years, unable to vote. On March 22, 1960, she applied to take an Oath of Allegiance to the United States. The judge who heard her case and presided over her oath apologized to her.

It was the Expatriation Act of 1907 that was responsible. American men did not lose their citizenship when they married immigrant women, however. You can get the details and feel a littile of the outrage from this NPR article: NPR: That Time American Women Lost Their Citizenship Because They Married Foreigners

The Cable Act (also known as the “Married Women’s Independent Nationality Act” or the “Married Women’s Act”) was passed on September 22, 1922 and repealed parts of the 1907 Expatriation Act.

You can get up-to-speed on immigration and citizenship issues from this article: U of Virginia: Dual Nationality: TR’s “Self-Evident Absurdity”


Kingas citizenship oath Kingas citizenship oath application